All posts filed under: Brand marketing

Distinctualising your brand

Distinctualising your brand

Our gut instinct as marketers is to go with what is working, because everything in the corporate rewards system is geared towards that: lack of risk appetite; the quest for short term results; even performance incentives. The irony for brands of course is that the more you go with what works for others, the less likely those ideas are to work for you.

Upcoming Webinar: Reframing How Brands Expand Globally

Upcoming Webinar: Reframing How Brands Expand Globally

One for my States-side friends. (It’s a little early for most in my part of the world.) Please join Pete Canalichio, Managing Partner at Licensing Brands Inc,  and me for a LIMA webinar on May 5 (EST) as we use several case studies to show how top licensors are utilising brand expansion through licensing to help maximize shareholder value and meet their long-term business objectives. Find out more at: